
An Investigation At Winterbourne View Hospital

Decent Essays

Over the last 15 years or so a number of cases concerning patient care and safety have come to light prompting investigations and inquiries that have led to changes in the way care is delivered. These include inquiries at Winterbourne View hospital, Mid-Staffordshire hospital(Mid staffs) and Harold shipman to name a few. At Winterbourne View Hospital, an undercover investigation for the BBC panorama revealed practices that amounted to criminal abuse by staff towards patients. A serious case review set up by the government in collaboration with the CQC, Local NHS and Police found that patients were subjected too many incidences of Physical restraint and poor quality care. It also found a “punitive and closed” culture that prevented …show more content…

Francis published a number of reports between 2010 to 2013 which revealed failings by mid staffs in providing basic care; from provision of food, drink, pain relief, wash facilities to unhygienic wards and toilets. The francis report also estimated that between January 2005 and march 2009, approximately 400-1200 deaths occurred as a result of poor care.
The inquiry laid blame on poor staffing, lack of compassion, poor management. Francis also noted a lack of concern when issues had been raised stating “Staff who spoke out felt ignored and there is strong evidence that many were deterred from doing so through fear and bullying”. Again other agencies were slow to react to warning signs that things were not right at Mid staffs.
One of the recommendations that emerged from the francis report was the expectation upon all NHS staff of a “duty of Candour”. It says Every healthcare organisation and everyone working for them must be honest, open and truthful in all their dealings with patients and the public, and organisational and personal interests must never be allowed to outweigh the duty to be honest, open and truthful.

The total sum of both these findings equals to recurring themes of:
Poor staffing levels lack of training at all levels
Organisational cultures, that turn a blind eye to poor practices
Lack of communication between management boards and staff on the frontline
Poor Care and Financial

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