
Analysis: Does Banning Cellphone Use While Driving Reduce Accidents?

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Does Banning Cellphone Use while Driving Reduce Accidents? Arthur Tom Benning’s article, “Does Banning Cellphone Use while Driving Reduce Accidents?” analyzes the effectiveness of banning cellphone use while driving as a way to curb distracted driving. Even though Tom does not tell us clearly the bans in place have had desired result, he consider how the bans affect Texas cities where have stepped forward the rule from the imperfect crash data and some researches. There are few conclusion that comes from Tom’s analysis: some people have pushed hard for the rule; distracted driving crashes still increase after enforce the rule; there are many variables affect the result; some people against the rule. In my opinion, Toms' style of organization …show more content…

Tom effectively analyze how pushing hard for banning cellphone use while driving. Tom’s use of statistics builds a sense of trust and credibility with the reader. For example, “The new ordinance resulted in 551 tickets in February alone. In all of last year, Austin police wrote 688 citations for the texting ban.” (Tom) Moreover, Tom wants to prove the importance of implement the rule. He uses some special examples from personal story to move readers’ emotion. For instance, “State Rep. Tom Craddick, R-Midland, has pushed hard for three sessions to pass such a statewide texting prohibition. Relatives of those killed in distracted-driving crashes have given heart-wrenching testimony. But concerns over enforcement and personal privacy have won the day in the Capitol.” (Tom). He use is not only personal story, but also some tragic accidents to remind us the dangerous of texting while driving. To be honest, Tom is success to explain how the rule is important in our society, and he gives a sign to reader that push hard for enforcing the rule is …show more content…

“ But is the ordinance making the roads safer?” (Tom) Tom seems very ironic and said, “it’s not ending yet.” Further more, The sense of urgency and severity of the situation that Tom opened our eyes to with his use of rhetorical question was a major appeal to the audience. For example, “Did the ordinance actually reduce cellphone use? Or did it just make drivers even more leery to admit that they had been using their phone? Or did the elimination of one distraction behind the wheel simply lead to others?” (Tom) Then he use abundant of example and statistics to answer the question. For example, “Borne acknowledged that it's difficult to know for sure. Sitting at a busy intersection, though, he pointed to the stakes. Not long ago at that spot, he saw a woman run a red light while looking at her phone. Engrossed in a text message, she never saw the light change.” Tom use this example to answer the question in order to make readers understand the main reason and read easier. This method can help Tom to grasp the attention of readers and give us the sense of urgency that further explain for reader. Indeed, Tom can conclude that distracted driving crashes still increase after enforcing the rule from the data. “Several cities saw the crash rate for cellphone-involved wrecks drop after implementing either a texting or a hands-free

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