
Analysis: I Am A Mac

Decent Essays

I am a Mac/ I am a PC Analysis In her Time article called, “The Science of How Marketers (and Politicians) Manipulate Us,” consumer psychologist Kit Yarrow explains the many tricks that Marketers have used to appeal to us, the consumers. In her article, Yarrow mentions that Marketers have influenced us through presenting right and wrong choices, showing/telling emotional narratives, and manipulating/influencing our subconscious. In particular, her claim of how marketers present clear and simple decisions is most evident in commercials; specifically the Apple, “I am a Mac/I am a PC” commercial. In the commercial, Apple tries to influence the audience to purchase their product by relying heavily on the “obvious choice” approach. This approach …show more content…

This appeal is most evident with the presentation of human characters to represent the products, both the Mac and the PC. During the commercial, we see both characters displayed on the screen with obvious differences between them. The man who represents the PC is dressed in a way that makes him look so unattractive and geeky, meanwhile the Mac’s representative is displayed as more casual and handsome. Throughout the commercial we see the characters try to overcome one another by comparing the quality of their “home movies”, which is also represented as characters. At the end the Mac essentially wins the debate by overcoming the PC with his higher quality “home video”. As Yarrow mentions in her article, we are most comfortable when things are made simple; when the choices are presented to us as clear as day. In the commercial both characters are made to represent the choices we can make, with the Mac shown as the more obvious choice. This creates an emotional appeal because it influences the consumer’s desire to be “cool” and have access to the latest, and trendiest,

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