
Analysis Of Advertisements In The Daisy By Marc Jacobs

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Advertisements have become a huge part of society in the modernized world of today. Around the world, many people can see all of the various advertisements not only on TVs and newspapers but also on billboards, buses, and walls of buildings. Advertising is an influential part of life and we can easily realize that it has useful purposes for public and private manufacturers and companies throughout the world. Advertisements can either give consumers a great amount of knowledge about the products or just convince them to buy and want the products. Advertisements also help sell the products which keep the economy growing, but people should also be aware of how much they spend because they may not actually need every product that they see that they want to purchase. In the Daisy by Marc Jacobs’s perfume advertisement, the artist uses many different techniques to emphasize the advertisement. Some of the different techniques that the artist uses are color, symbolism, and composition. Marc Jacobs is a fashion icon to many people in the fashion industry. Jacobs was born on April 9, 1963, in New York City. He is a master when working with fabrics, colors, and patterns. His intense passion for fashion has taken him straight to the top. Starting his own label in the 80’s under his own name and this has grown to be his own personal kingdom. Marc Jacobs has many items, ranging from handbags, makeup, watches, Men, and perfume. Marc Jacobs Daisy is the new feminine fragrance designed

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