
Analysis Of An Open Letter On Translating By Martin Luther

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An Open Letter On Translating by Martin Luther is a letter about two questions that “Worthy N.” asked in a previous conversation. The two questions were: why did Luther translate Romans 3 to state that it is not by works but only by faith that Christians are saved and, additionally, do deceased saints intercede for Christians. Luther addresses the first question by talking about how the Papists are “asses.” The letter specifically writes “Dr. Martin Luther will have it so and he says that a papist and an ass are the same thing.” The reason for him saying this was because the Papists disagreed with his new German translation of Romans 3. The translation differentiated from the Latin bible when Luther’s translated “We hold that the human will be justified without the works of the law but only by faith.” …show more content…

For the second question, do deceased saints intercede (talk to God) for Christians, Luther responded by bringing up the point where Papists taught that saints do intercede for Christians. Luther disagreed with this view because “Scripture does not [say] such.” Luther also recalls “that there is not a single passage from God demanding us to call upon either saints or angels to intercede for us.” To summarize, Luther answered the last question saying that God is not angry but believing and performing any actions towards saint intercession is wrong because nowhere is it stated that God commands it. Moreover, this document is a testament of the Reformation due to topic being about the new translation of the Bible. Originally the Bible was only in Latin and the general population of Germany didn’t understand Latin (Different Britannica). Martin Luther saw this as a problem and as a result translated the Bible into German. This transformed Christianity because the individual was now able to progress on their own accord, this being one of the key elements of the Reformation (Different Britannica). Therefore, it is clear that this document is a testament of the

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