
Analysis Of Bloom 's Original Cognitive Process

Decent Essays

A group of educators collaborated to develop classifications of learning objectives for the purpose of creating lessons and the evaluations to accompany them. They constructed objectives to reveal what students would be able to perform according to the education and organized them in relation to their level of difficulty. The outcome is extensively recognized as Bloom’s taxonomy. However, there are adaptations that have drawn from Bloom and his colleagues’ efforts such as those from Anderson, one of Bloom’s former students, as well as Stiggins (O’Donnell, Reeve & Smith, 2012). In Bloom’s original cognitive process there are six thinking skills and abilities that comprise of knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, evaluation, and synthesis. In Bloom’s revised taxonomy, modifications were made to the original version to deal with the drawbacks found in the previous version. The improved framework now distinguishes from “knowing what” and “knowing how” or the matter of thinking and the process utilized in problem-solving (Anderson & Krathwohl, 2001). Anderson and his associates assert “meaningful learning presents students with the knowledge and cognitive means required for solving problems” (Anderson & Krathwohl, 2001). The revised version adapted by Anderson and Krathwohl consists of remembering, understanding, applying, analysis, evaluation, and creating (O’Donnell, Reeve & Smith, 2012). By utilizing these as an outline in creating questions and assignments for

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