
Analysis Of Bryan Magee's Essay 'Ultimate Questions'

Decent Essays

Bryan Magee wrote in his essay; 'Ultimate Questions:' "I have posited nothing outside the ordinary, everyday order of events nothing religious, nothing supernatural, nothing transcendental." Imagine Magee's frustration when a man from the cloth poured piety all over his antiquity fueled philosophy. I felt this injustice, I couldn't stand by.

First of all, my pious intrigue started out at a Christian Cult in 1991, in the South of England. I was fresh and away from homely comforts, hence, open to learn about pro-creative ideologies and to experience them. No thought was to disbelieve whatsoever. Why should I, I trusted my elder's wisdom more than my own and my peers - within two months, I found incongruity. The moon faces weren't as friendly …show more content…

why it's not here. I'd say that by being locked on a speck of dust for a limited time-period doesn't bode well for getting answers, to be certain that a Superior Being exists, let a alone an omnipotent one - whence, to convey to a 'certainty;' is outlandishly precarious to put it mildly. But for those who are 'absolutely certain,' you're assured that anyone who refutes the idea of divine's hand cannot prove it either... for certain. The bone of contention I have is the mysteries of the cosmos are unexplainable yet the assureness of those who claim the truth is out there do so with 'absolute certainty;' done so without heed or intellectualism. This isn't a harsh critique et al: it's irrational to devote your time and belief-system to flawed doctrinations / prophecies that's known to be tampered with for centuries. I'm genuinely confused why it's intellectually acceptable. The 'believers' (I don't like using this terminology, but I do so because deism is all about divide) who're willing to debate with me have real issues with this; thus, to get discourse going... I attempt to build bridges by adapting to a personal 'journey of discovery,' a mode Evangelists can relate to... plus, it is less offensive for those who mistakenly think I'm attacking their 'personal Jesus,' this is an absurd misconception... it's impossible to vilify or attack the core essence of an entity so it flips over and changes at will through trepidation - funnily enough, reality is not a point-scoring pixilated

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