
Analysis Of Claude Debussy 's Musical Time Periods

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Claude Debussy once said, “works of art make rules; rules do not make works of art.” No musical time period has seen, nor continues to see, so much change and innovation than the Modern period. Current artists express their own creative visions and use their ideas to suggest progressive directions for others to follow. The rejection and breakdown of all traditional guidelines unleashed complete freedom across present dimensions, including melody, rhythm, and chord progression. Some of the new music has been rejected, but some of it has been integrated creating new styles of music. Suzie Berndt states in her “Musical Time Periods: The Modern Period” that the technology and industry of the modern time period facilitated much of the music …show more content…

A pre-determined series of notes as well as a rigorous progression of the forward, backward, and inverted presentation of the series led to further development of the techniques. Neoclassical music refers to a revival of western European music in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, also known as the Classical period. The music is typically emotionally restrained and strives to display similar forms and textures used by composers such as Haydn and Mozart (393). Lastly, minimalist music is based on the idea of simple harmonies, constant melodies, and steady pulses in rhythm. The components of minimalism include the ability to reduce and simplify, which calls for a lot of repetition within the compositions. According to the Canadian Music Centre, minimalism emerged in the United States of America during that 1960s as a reaction against abstract Modernism, particularly in response to serialism and aleatory. It was originally explored as an improvisatory process and was intended as a way to create more accessible music. By the 1970s, minimalism had reached its peak and was in the form which it was best known. It was introduced to Canada almost immediately after Americans began using the musical style. Static tonal and modal harmonies, unchanging dynamics, and constantly repeating rhythmic and melodic patterns were the popular elements of minimalism. The whole idea of minimalism was driven by the desire to create a less restricted form of music.

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