
Analysis Of Coming Of Age In Mississippi

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Basem Azar
Prof Riley
Coming of Age in Mississippi
Book Memo
The well-written autobiography Coming of Age in Mississippi by Anne Moody is the story of her life as a poor black girl growing into adulthood. It depicts life in a rural Mississippi town during the civil rights movement of the 1940’s and 1950’s.
Anne Moody, like many other young people, joined the civil rights movement because they wanted to make a difference in their state. They wanted their freedom and the same rights as the white people had. Many other young people joined the civil rights movement because they felt that a change was needed in the way black people were treated. They felt that this change would not come if they did not join the civil rights movement. Anne Moody was a strong believer of black rights and felt that it was important for her to help black people fight for equal rights. These civil rights workers felt that their freedom would only come if most of the black community supported the efforts of the civil rights workers. Anne Moody, and other young people, thought that the only way that they would get equal rights for black people was to prove that they really wanted them. These civil rights workers, for example, showed that they really did care by joining various civil rights organizations and engaging in Freedom Marches. These Freedom marches were very organized, and they occurred all over the United States, which proved that black people wanted the same rights as the white people

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