
Analysis Of Eagley And Carli 's Leadership

Decent Essays

My question this week is from Eagley and Carli’s Leadership The question that this I was able to formulate from this reading is a why question. Why are women so special that organizations need to redevelop strategies to accommodate them? This article talks about some of the intuitional practices that create a glass ceiling for women. The article fails to talk about the other demographics that also fall under the same dilemmas. Women are only one demographic that has fallen victim to organizational discrimination. In the paper such remedies are talked about such as, increase awareness of the psychological drivers of prejudice toward female leaders; changing the long-hour norms; reduce subjective performance evaluations. And so on… these solutions are all tailored towards advancing women in leadership positions. The problems that these narrow focused solutions create is that they do not account for the countless other demographics. The only true way to ensure equality in any situation is not to find one oppressed population and raise them to the levels of power but to guide newer younger generations to advance equally. Addressing what Eagley and Carli say “ if a company wants to see more women arrive in its executive suite, it should do the following” A company should not want to see more women in directors positions they should want to see the most qualified humans in directors suites. Whether they be women, men, transgender, African, European, Latino, Asian, so

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