
Analysis Of Education At Crossroads Part 2 By Parti Viotti

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In the article “Education at Crossroads part 2” Vicki Viotti discusses the underfunding for schools statewide and teacher evaluations. “Our schools are creating a very different system, one system for rich children and one system for poor or middle-class children”(Viotti pg.2 par.2). Private schools spend an average of $15,000 to $25,000 per student, while the rate for public schools is much lower- $11,800 per student. This is a big issue with the new president of the Hawaii State Teachers Association, Corey Rosenlee, who ran for president because of the amount of inequality he saw in the school system. Another issue Rosenlee wishes to render is teacher evaluations. “45 percent of a teacher evaluation for some teachers is based on student learning

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