
Analysis Of Erasmus's Praise Of Folly

Decent Essays

In Erasmus’s “Praise of Folly,” Erasmus discusses how Folly is indebted into her wisdom. Folly, the daughter of Plutus and Youth, wants to inform all of the great gods that she can bring joy to everyone. She wanted to build an empire of her own, since there was not one built for her. Many of the gods during that time had the perception that many women did not know what they were talking about, and were seen as simple minded. However, Folly has the idea that people will not be able to create or form any relationship without her power. Since Folly believes that no one takes her serious, or any of her propositions, she wants to show everyone that life would not be the same without her. In a sense, Folly is giving herself credit so that everyone can value her even more. As she is talking about herself, she is giving everyone else the opportunity to see what kind of person she really is. Erasmus states that “I am the one - and indeed, the only one - whose divine powers can gladden the hearts of gods and men” (9). This quote explains the idea of Folly proving to everyone that life would not be the same without her. Words such “divine powers” and “gladden” can depict the idea that Folly is going to do whatever it takes to her point across to the gods and everyone else. As Erasmus explains that Folly is the cause of life for everyone, he also describes how she is the cause of human interactions. Humans bond so that they can form a connection with one another. Folly further explains

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