
Analysis Of Homer 's Odyssey : Odysseus And His Son Telemachus

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We all go through challenges in our lives that tend to lead us to some sort of growth in the end. It is in that growth we learn more about ourselves and decide the type of person we want to be. The Greek’s felt no differently, they were in pursuit to fulfill one’s destiny and spiritual growth brought about that freedom. Homer, as little as we know about him, seemed to want to tell a great story of adventure, spiritual growth and triumph. It is said that “the Greek view offers humankind the greatest hope for change, growth, and freedom, because it claims that there are no restrictions upon our growth. Humans choose their particular fate and are therefore free to see their limitations and transcend them” (Apatow 81). Homer 's story explains just that, in order to experience the most growth and strength we must be tested and weakened. In The Odyssey both Odysseus and his son Telemachus go through rough times to experience their spiritual growth just as in psychology it is known that traumatic events or hardships also cause changes in our personality.
Odysseus through the whole Odyssey was tested far more than anyone else. Beginning with him stuck on Calypso 's island with everything but happiness while his true desire was simple to return home to his family. Homer started out showing Odyssey 's mood and spirits as "...weeping there as always, wrenching his heart with sobs and groans and anguish, gazing out over the barren sea through blinding tears" (Fagles "The Odyssey" by

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