
Analysis Of Ian Mcewan 's ' The ' Saturday ' Essay

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In this analytic essay, I will be exploring the use of literary language in the novel Saturday by Ian McEwan and how with the use of narration and imagery can under shadow a simple piece of literature.

Ian McEwan uses a contemporary character to show the day in a life of a Londoner, with the aid of the narrator’s voice throughout, there is a-lot of symbolic imagery and strong statements. The narrator appears omniscient thought-out this text, the effectiveness of this allows us to be emotionally attached to just Henry, and not allowing much use of imagination. Wonderfully Ian McEwan challenges the reader at moments of conflict, with morality in mind, to then following the view of Henry. Is the lierarture theme of following this character a metaphor for London? I believe this choice of narration is to cover up the sub lining of this piece of literature, which is power and identification of London through a single character.
The use of the vocabulary in this novel is rather meticulous, every detail finely researched, a piece of fiction that educates the reader and questions. With the use of ‘sleeping, working, entertaining themselves’ he writes humanly relatable actions, as if we were in fact a machine, a routine sequence that sub textually describes the character Henry, and with that in place, describes London. Henry goes about his day in a ‘perfect circle’. Henry’s thoughts describe his accident as a ‘trivial matter’ p82 an inconvenience, which is shown when he disregards

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