
Analysis Of In The Lake Of The Woods By Tim OBrien

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ne of mankind’s greatest incentives for trudging through life is driven by an adamant yearning to procure love. Oftentimes, this craving stems from the romanticization of lovers in fictitious tales and from substantial embroidering of dalliances by contemporaneous cultures. In spite of that, what if the advantages of love were not only to generate amorous interactions but, rather, to hinder pernicious ramifications capable of harming human aggregations and its individuals. Perhaps, love quells an innate depravity within all humans. To clarify, a deficiency in love may prove to be envenoming, eliciting an abnormal, frenzied, and, conceivably, a deleterious response from a distraught character. Tim O'Brien accentuates this reality in his novel In the Lake of the Woods when an unanticipated and inexplicable severance between a husband and wife takes root as the foremost enigma of the narrative. Furthermore, his narration, hypothesis, and evidence chapters furnish the conception that an insufficiency in love insinuates detrimental repercussions. O'Brien meticulously weaves the haunting consequences of an absence of love into his narration chapters. To add on, the human brain is the most frangible during its youth when it embarks on imbibing every single incident it is exposed to. As a child struggling to garner the devotion of his inebriated father and further plagued by the man’s death, it appears John Wade undergoes through trauma when he reverts to constructing a

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