
Analysis Of Judas The Iscariot

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This paper is an investigation of the Judas the Iscariot. He left behind his entire life to live nomadically with Jesus and the other eleven disciples. Judas is known to be the betrayer. He crafted a plan for Judas to be arrested in exchange for 30 pieces of silver. The Gospel authors and most people see Judas as the bad guys. But have we misinterpreted Judas? This paper will be a defense for Judas they Isocratic. I will be examining the accounts of Judas and Messianic prophecy. I will specifically look at a common argument against Judas, Judas’ friendship with Jesus, what the Gospel authors explicitly declared to be Judas’ motives to be, and how patriotism could’ve motivated Judas. Lastly, I will make my final defense of Judas based on my evidence and analysis.
The Account of Judas In the New Testament Judas the Iscariot was a descendant of the ancient tribe of Judas. Iscariot means Man of Kerioth, Man of The Cities, and City Slicker. Kerioth was a city north of Hebron. Judas was the only apostle from Judea, while the rest were Galilean.
Throughout the Gospels, wherever Judas the Iscariot is named the betrayer. Judas the Iscariot was chosen by Jesus as one of His twelve apostles. In Mark, the Judas, Jesus and the rest of the apostles entered a home where a large crowd came to see Jesus, so much so that Jesus and His disciple could not eat. The Pharisees continuously challenged Jesus throughout his ministry. But Jesus outsmarted the Pharisees each

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