
Analysis Of Junot Diaz's The Brief Wondrous Life Of Oscar Wao

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In Junot Diaz’s The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, Dominican men are judged via their embodiment of the hyper-masculine ideals and a number of women they sleep with. Outliers such as Oscar de Leon are therefore criticized, humiliated and emasculated by fellow members of society. Diaz characterizes Oscar’s plight as his struggle to lose his virginity: a major accomplishment of the Dominican, male ideal. Yunior, on the contrary, is the epitome of a Dominican man. He is able to sweep women off their feet and sleep with them. He constantly brags about his sexual conquests and encourages Oscar to pursue a lifestyle which would make him appealing to women. This machismo culture is constantly reinforced by Yunior and other male members of …show more content…

It seems as if both face an inescapable, misfortunate fate simply due to their gender.
Orphaned by previous foster parents, the audience is to set to perceive Beli with pity. Beli’s misfortune starts with her birth, as Yunior narrates, “I know it’s taboo to make this accusation, but I doubt that anybody inside the family wanted her to live, either.” (Diaz 252). Aside from the inherent colorism in the Dominican culture, Beli is seen as a lesser human being due to her skin color. As she transitions into her adolescent years, Beli desires to find love but many boys her age seem to ignore her because of her undesirable characteristics. The reader is set to connect with Beli and learns the rationale behind her domineering attitude. During one summer, however, Beli, experiences a rapid change in her physical features and immediately becomes the talk of the town. The narrator emphasizes the change in the size of her breasts as many women envy and wish to possess such sexual prowess. Her transformation subjects to objectification- a common occurrence in Dominican patriarchal culture. The sudden usage of the word “tits” and the narrator’s description of the men’s intention reinforces the dominance of the inescapable hyper-masculine male culture. While it may seem that her fate is predetermined by the men in society, a closer analysis reveals that she is actually in control. Beli’s acquired body parts indeed turn her into prey by

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