
Analysis Of La Lengua De Las Mariposas

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La Lengua de las Mariposas, directed by José Luis Cuerda, is a marvelous and powerful film that explores Spain’s past through the lens of education. Cuerda does this by exhibiting the contrast between the 1931-1936 Republic and the dictatorships that ruled the country just before and after the Spanish Civil War through the relationship between Moncho, a young boy, and Don Gregorio, his teacher. The film depicts the Republic’s aims for a liberal education and the pressures this produced within the more conservative region of society. Overall this film portrays both the freedom of this short period in Spain’s history and the beginning of Franco’s oppressive dictatorship. There are many layers of themes that are subtlety imbedded into the film. The political theme of the film is a truly intriguing portrayal of life in Spain during this tense time. The underlying message of the film is one of defending the freedom of expression. It explores the importance of gaining knowledge through one’s own personal experiences. Culture is used as a pathway to achieve personal freedom. In addition, the film attempts to break some of the taboos surrounding an adequate education, focusing instead on this education through experience. Observation is used as a way to awaken the senses. Another theme that was imbedded in the film was childhood with the inclusion of a vast number of topics. The film not only contains scenes that deal with war but it includes scenes that include family, love, and

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