
Analysis Of Meeting You Halfway II

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In the darkness of the theatre, a typical screening show takes place with audiences siting still in their seats, facing the screen, waiting for the projector from their backs to turn on and enjoy their butter popcorn. In a typical screening show, the screen is full of images of objects, characters and motions. However, when it came to Anthony McCall, audiences do not enjoy the projection the way it traditionally is, but interact with it as a projection artwork and a light sculpture. Anthony McCall’s “Meeting You Halfway II (2009)” at the exhibition “Primary Structures and Speculative Forms” at Art Gallery of NSW was an extraordinary light art experience. The artwork caught my attention with its backlit statement. Having been fascinated by cinematic works for long, “Meeting You Halfway II (2009)” got my interest from the first line of the statement: “Based in the fundamental principles of cinematic display, in which light is projected outward through a narrow gap on the a wall or screen, Anthony McCall artworks create sculptures in light that draw viewers, almost involuntarily, into physical engagement.” Meeting You Halfway II (2009) was exhibited in a separate, blank dark room. Light was projected horizontally towards the wall. The “film” included two animated bright white curves, each of those grew bigger and smaller than the other in a certain direction and made a full ellipse halfway across each other. However, it is the smoke that made it special. The light was

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