
Analysis Of News And Social Media Effects On Society And Individuals Essay

Satisfactory Essays

I. Title of Paper - Analysis of news and social media effects on society and individuals.
II. Introduction –
a. Utilizing Sociological and Psychological literature, this paper will conduct a critical analysis of mass media and more specifically social media and the effects/persuasions it has on society and individuals. As this is fairly a debatable topic I will provide arguments focusing on the negative aspects of television and social media as well as some positives.
b. My thesis sentence (or hypothesis) is: Utilizing a variety of literature from both Sociology and Psychology, I will provide facts and effects that mass media and more specifically social media has affected society in a negative fashion due to prejudices and misinformation of those behind the broadcast or publication.
III. Description and types of mass media
Mass media, as stated by is “the means of communication that reach large number of people in a short time, such as television, newspapers, magazines, and radio” (Mass Media, n.d.). While the term mass media is brief in definition, the term is far more extensive than one could imagine. “First there was the telegraph and the post offices, then the radio, the newspaper, magazines, television, and now the internet and the new media including palmtops, cell phones etc” (Maghal, 2013). In addition to the previously stated mass media also included are computers and the internet. Initially mass media was intended for three ideas; provide

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