
Analysis Of ' Othello ' By William Shakespeare

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Playwrights generally write plays that are inspired by and based on real life events and/or issues that allow them to communicate their points of view as well as the opinions of involved parties. Plays written in the Elizabethan era are categorized as comedies, histories, or tragedies to make it easier for their audience to understand difficult and emotional themes. Although modern plays may follow classic Elizabethan structures, dramatists may adapt it to appeal to a broader audience and to reflect similar issues that may have evolved. For instance, audiences can easily identify with tragedies since they exhibit a downfall as a direct result of a fatal flaw that leads up, often times, to the death of a beloved character. Tragic heroes serve as a mirror for the audience in that as a tragedy progresses, the audience may see their personal experiences and views within it. William Shakespeare’s representation of a moor in his play, Othello, is a personification of a classical tragic hero, whereas Troy Maxson, the protagonist in Fences by August Wilson, serves as an example of a modern tragic hero. Shakespeare and Wilson utilize characteristics of tragic heroes— hamartia, hubris, peripeteia, nemesis, and catharsis—as a literary device to convey an archetypal theme of the hazards of passing judgments to their audience.
Although the argument could be made that Othello and Troy are not descendants of noble bloodlines, Shakespeare and Wilson have expanded the quintessential

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