
Analysis Of Robert Kegan's Model Of Intellectual Development

Decent Essays

The first model that one can apply to NH’s development is Robert Kegan’s six-stage Constructivist Developmental Theory. This model holds that our way of engaging and understanding the world we live in is “based on how we construct reality as we pass through the lifespan," and progressively grows more complex. (Neukrug, 2016). In the case of NH, I believe she is at the interindividual stage, which is characterized by one finding value in relationships, as well as having a substantial capacity for self-reflection and respect for differences. NH demonstrated this by first, mentioning how important family is to her; second, showing a high capacity for self-reflection through her ability to determine the long-term impact of events; and lastly, …show more content…

To this point, she examined her perspective on the choice between college, career, and family; where she focused on school, she soon shifted to family. Finally, one can frame NH’s development with Erik Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development, which holds that psychosocial forces are critical to growth and examines conflicts associated with stages in the lifespan (Neukrug, 2016). I would place NH in stage 7, known as “Generativity vs. Stagnation” for the following reasons. On the one hand, she is concerned for others and future generations, and finds value in volunteering and meeting with her Bible study group, both displays of generativity. Lastly, however, she mentioned that my grandfather has limited her ability to engage in some activities, leading to stagnation. Considering this, Erikson would describe NH’s development as on track. Her life story shows passing through Identity vs. Role Confusion (struggle to pick a path) and Intimacy vs. Isolation (meeting my grandfather), and into Generativity vs. Stagnation (valuing family and their happiness). Concerning atypical elements of NH’s development, I was intrigued by how she did not have any midlife correction, as she picked her career after she graduated high school and stuck with it until retirement, stopping only to raise her kids. The research we’ve examined thus far has almost assumed that such an event is a given and that not having it constitutes atypical development. My grandmother ultimately displayed

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