
Analysis Of Sara Content Analysis Approach

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6. How were the data then analyzed? What procedures were used? (pgs. 88-89)
The data were analyzed with the SARA content analysis approach. This approach involves constant comparison, multisource and multipass strategies, and triangulation of data sets for more robust findings (86). Audiotape recordings, researcher observations and intentional debriefings after each focus group were used to document the focus group sessions. The researchers constructed themes and dimensions in an attempt to identify the messages communicated in the focus group sessions. The idea of multipass strategies is to continue data analysis until no new findings or insights emerge. The focus of the study using SARA was on the meaning of the experiences in the words of the participants and not how some researchers use SARA by counting how frequently certain words are used. Validity was based on the collective results of all focus groups and the saturation of common themes and responses.

The researchers analyzed the data in eight different passes as noted below:
1. Each researcher independently analyzed all of the transcripts, reading carefully and writing down important information.
2. The researchers collectively discussed the information provided in #1 above and agreed on commonalities and differences among the individual analysis.
3. Themes (labels) emerged and the researchers developed definitions to describe these themes.
4. The data were coded into themes by each individual

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