
Analysis Of The Book ' The Things That Make The Sherlock Holmes '

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Point of View

One of the things that make the Sherlock Holmes books distinctive is their point of view. The books are written as memoirs of Dr. James Watson, chronicling the achievements of Sherlock Holmes. This book, in particular, is unique in its point of view. The first few chapters are told in past tense, as Watson recalls the events; the next few chapters are present tense, in the form of extracts from Watson’s diary or letters sent to Holmes from the hall; the last few chapters shift back to past tense recollections. The sole hindrance of having the book written as an account of the accomplishments of Holmes from the point of view of someone who reveres him is a slightly biased view of the great detective. Watson views Holmes as infallible and if Watson recognizes any faults of Holmes, they are viewed as merits as well by Watson, as seen in this quote: “One of Sherlock Holmes defects – if, indeed one may call it a defect – was that was exceedingly loathe to communicate his full plans to any other person until the instant of their fulfilment.” p.154. The shortcoming referred to in the quote would be viewed by many as a grievous fault, yet Watson, in his love of Holmes, has the ability to view it as an asset; this fondness for Holmes results in an interesting perspective of the case and how it’s solved in the end. What sets this book apart from many of the other Sherlock Holmes books is that Watson is working alone for most of the book. In most of the other

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