
Analysis Of The Fool Doth Think He Is Wise

Decent Essays

“The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool” (William Shakespeare, As You Like It). This translates to “Only a fool thinks he’s wise; the wise man knows that he is, in fact, a fool”. This quote resonates strongly with me. I really believe in this quote and find the truthfulness in this. I myself believe that you can never truly stop learning. I know that I can be an idiot at many times, and that makes me wise. I also see people who are so ignorant, that they believe they know everything. They think that after high school, or college, they won’t or don’t need to learn anything else. They likely also don’t know what this quote means, or that so many fictional characters are wiser than they are. A lot of people have no idea what this quote really means, and likely, they are the fools. A person only by the username rosends, on English Language & Usage, explains this quote using another wise quote.
“I believe it relates to this quote by Confucius “True wisdom is knowing what you don't know” (Confucius, Sayings of Confucius). The realization that the self is lacking, that there is always more to learn and that one doesn't know nearly everything, or even as much as what one thinks he knows is the hallmark of the wise man. He knows that he still has much to learn (there are other cultural idioms which express this)”.
Confucius obviously lived before Shakespeare, but this quote is kind of a simpler version of the Shakespeare quote and a little

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