
Analysis Of The Movie ' The Child Of Rage '

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delicate so sensible that what is done to them at he beginning of their life can affect their development. This is the reason why the movie I selected for this assignment was a documentary called the Child of Rage. This documentary is about two children that were adopted by a couple. One was a boy named Eric and the other was a girl named Beth. They were both severely maltreated and had no mother. Their biological father neglected Eric and sexually abused Beth they were both withdrawn from this home at a very young age Beth two years old and Eric one, but even though they were removed at a very young age from this environment they both were left with psychological damage. Beth especially this is why the documentary is focused on her. Beth has no conscious, she does not feel bad for the horrible things she does to people and animals around her. She stabs her pets with needles kills animals around her home and she hits and harasses her brother at only age seven and she also has horrible nightmares about her father. Her actions made her parents so afraid of her that they locked her in her room at night. They also took her to therapy were along side with the therapist they have to make Beth feel some sort of emotional pain or remorse for the things she is done their goal is to make her feel something, have emotions because she does not, she is too emotionally traumatized to feel anything. The end result is that she actually cries because she feels bad for the things she has

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