
Analysis Of The Movie ' The Revenant '

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The Revenant is a very long and very intense movie. In the blockbuster, Leonardo DiCaprio plays Hugh Glass, a seemingly indestructible savage machine. Glass survives the impossible on more than one occasion. In three scenes in particular, Glass is put through a climatic, thrilling situation. The first scene is in a misty forest where Glass finds himself alone when he stumbles upon bear cubs and soon after is nearly mauled to death by the mother bear. He escapes death when he was able to pull out his knife to kill the bear. Consequently, he is now in critical condition and is not able to walk, move, or even talk. The next mind-blowing scene, Glass just rode his horse off a cliff while a blizzard encroaches him. His horse did not survive the fall and the only thing to help Glass stay alive was his knife so he used it to gut the horse completely hollow then Glass removed all of his clothes and crawled inside the horse to wait use its body heat to protect him from the harsh snow storm. Finally, the thought-to-be climax of the movie, Glass finds the man who murdered his son while he helplessly watched, and Glass kills him in a long, bloody exchange of gunshots and knife wounds and ultimately drags him in the nearby ice cold stream

I believe that this action packed blockbuster that gave Leonardo DiCaprio an Oscar is boring. I believe this not because it has a poor scenery or bad acting, the acting is phenomenal and the scenery and special effects are very detailed and

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