
Analysis Of The Ravishing Of Lol Stein

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Analyzing the Liberation of Lol Stein
Through searching inside the haze one will find their true self. In the book “The Ravishing of Lol Stein” by Marguerite Duras, the main character, Lol Stein, goes through a journey to express her true personality. In the passage, Lol has an affair with the narrator, Jack Hold, which shows her transition as a person the most. Her internal transition into becoming an entirely different person is highlighted by the author’s use of repetition, diction, symbolism, and dialogue.
The repetition of the passage shows the confusion linked to Lol’s transition. The repeated use of rhetorical questions show the perplexity of Lol’s transition. In the passage, the narrator says “who is there in the bed? Who does she think she is?” The open-endedness of the rhetorical question forces the audience to evaluate Lol’s present mental state. Due to the questions being rhetorical, no answers are given leaving the audience in a state of confusion with little evidence to help identify Lol. Later, the narrator asks another rhetorical question asking “who was it before me?” The question calls for the audience to intervene again and think about who Lol was as a person now but he immediately shuts the question down by saying “I don’t care.” This shows he has no interest in the transition of Lol. Though the situation is confusing, he carries on as if everything is the same. Another point where the repetition provided insight was when the author stated “she insulted

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