
Analysis Of Wendell Berry 's The Pleasures Of Eating

Decent Essays

A Reality Difficult to Stomach The food industry is devouring us. Big food corporations fixate on profits rather than the quality of their products, and humans have become victim to them. Humans are constantly looking for the most effortless way to obtain their next meal, whether it’d be from a fast food establishment or a frozen precooked dinner. Simultaneously, the big food corporations mass produce low-quality products and manipulate their prices to appeal to consumers. These eating habits yield negative effects to their health, paving a pathway to obesity, Type 2 diabetes, and other diseases. Humans no longer have an eye for the quality of the food they consume. For instance, in Wendell Berry’s “The Pleasures of Eating”, Berry discusses how humans are passive consumers of the food industry; meaning they lack insight regarding where their food is from or how it is produced. Additionally, Michael Pollan writes about the surplus of corn in America and how Americans unknowingly consume immense amounts of it in his article entitled “When a Crop Becomes King”. Furthermore, “If You Pitch It, They Will Eat” by David Barboza is about how the food industry’s propaganda negatively affects today’s youth by advertising unhealthy eating habits tied into their favorite television shows, movies, video games, et cetera. Essentially, humans are ignorant because of their passiveness in purchasing products from the food industry. Humans are ignorant due to their lack of concern about

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