
Analysis: Why Is A Fantasy And Science Fiction Class Useful?

Decent Essays

Why is a Fantasy & Science Fiction Class Useful? In Michigan, the legislature has a history of questioning the purpose and value of university courses. For example, a University of Michigan course called “How to be Gay: Male Homosexuality and Initiation,” was put under scrutiny in 2003, claiming it goes against “family values.” Michigan legislature is now questioning courses based on fantasy and science fiction, claiming it is not useful to sit around imagining and fantasizing about one thing or another. Being called to testify, I would argue that fantasy and science fiction courses are useful because science fiction and fantasy works allow students to analyze how these works are quality as well as find the social commentary behind these works. …show more content…

One theme of Ender’s Game is the importance of youth. The youth of the children recruited for battle school is ultimately stolen from them by the leaders in exchange for saving the entire human race, justifying the loss in their eyes. However, childhood is important to our development, and that is a major focus in Ender’s Game when we see how Ender becomes ultimately depressed through his time at battle school and after. Another common theme that Card places an emphasis on in the novel is the effects of isolation. Although Ender is usually surrounded by others at battle school, he is isolated by Graff from the beginning, setting him apart from the rest and allowing him to become hardened by the isolation, making him into the warrior they want him to be. Graff even explains to Valentine why Ender has been isolated, claiming that “’isolation is – the optimum environment for creativity’” (Card 149). This tells us that Ender is being manipulated by Graff who put him in isolation for his motives and his purposes, even with Ender’s sanity at

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