
Analysis of Positioning the Connector 2001

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Netlink Inc. is about to introduce its newly developed handheld device, called the Connector, that marries wireless technology with PDA tools. Netlink Inc. is a joint venture of Conglomerate Inc., a major wireless carrier in the United States, and a domestic PC manufacturer. Conglomerate entered this venture not only to take a stake in a rapidly growing market, but also to attract new customers to its cellular services through Connector and similar products to be developed by Netlink. (1. 公司背景在一定程度上具有优势:a major wireless carrier+a domestic PC manufacturer,对新产品的研发和推广都是有利的;2. 公司的目的:参与到这一 rapidly growing market 中、通过这些新产品吸引新的移动通信服务客户。) The Connector, model version 10L, would be Netlink's first major product introduction since the company …show more content…

(简要对比EO与PPC的优劣势。) The sampling frame for the study was Connector's target market described as cellular phone users with a need for instant data

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