
Analytic Components In Serum Lab Report

Decent Essays

Lytic Components in Serum


The complement system is a segment of the immune system that has the ability to help antibodies and phagocytic cells defend organisms from pathogens. It is considered part of the innate immune system, that is, it is not adaptable and does not change over the course of an individual’s lifetime. Nevertheless, it can be engaged by the adaptive immune system. The complement system consist of more than 30 proteins and fragments of proteins, including serum proteins, blood proteins, and cell membrane receptors. By hepatocytes are the synthesis of proteins and glycoproteins that are complementary system. The activated complement system has three biochemical pathways: the classical complement pathway, the alternative …show more content…

On the other hand, after the inward thioester of C3 responds with a hydroxyl or amino gathering of a particle on the surface of a phone or pathogen, the C3b that is covalently bound to the surface is shielded from variable H-intervened inactivation. The surface-bound C3b might now join variable B to frame C3bB. This complex in the vicinity of element D will be cut into Ba and Bb. Bb will keep on being connected with C3b to shape C3bBb, which is the option pathway C3 convertase.

The goal is to describe the lytic process, using the activation of the alternative pathway. In the laboratory, sheep red blood cells are used and fish cells are introduced as foreign body cells. Complementary activities are investigated by recording the haemoglobin released from lysed erythrocytes.

. To determine the presence of non-specific immune mechanisms in serum.
. To measure the CH50 (i.e. the concentration of serum at which 50% of cells are lysed) of sheep erythrocytes as a result of the introduction of carp serum.


1) Take 100 ul of blood and include 9.9 ml from the

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