
Analyze The Consequences Of Plagiarism

Satisfactory Essays

Plagiarism report Students plagiarize due to many things: they don't understand the topic, think that they won't get caught, feel as if it's easier to copy from someone else than do the work themselves, most students are procrastinators and wait till the last minute and plagiarise just to get the paper done on time, they panic, lack confidence in their own work, have a demanding schedule and no time. Many things can play into factor when someone is thinking about plagiarizing. Although the consequences are severe many kids students aren't aware of the affect. The article “The Plagiarism Plague: Declining standards make getting caught the primary offense” by Raymond A. Schroth explains that Plagiarizing an essay is easy but the consequences are substantial. Most people don't think of these consequences until the act of plagiarism has already taken effect. As the article “The Academic Plagiarism and Its Punishments - a Review” written by Roberto G. S. Berlinck states that “The main consequences of plagiarism are penalties that can range from warnings to various forms of legal sanctions” …show more content…

Learning from this processes can’t be done overnight it has a never ending affect on one's life. This knowledge will help in the future will help one understand how severe the consequences are and potentially help them understand that it is way more serious than what they think. Plagiarism can be easy to do but you can avoid this is by paraphrasing. In the article “Avoiding Plagiarism” by Jennifer Janechek states that “Paraphrasing can be tricky, and sometimes students who mean to paraphrase can unintentionally plagiarize by failing to communicate a source's ideas in their own words.” She informs us that even though paraphrasing is an easy thing to do in order to avoid plagiarism but it is easy to paraphrase something wrong to where it makes it

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