
Analyzing Plato's Four Big Ideas

Decent Essays

Plato had four big ideas to making life more fulfilled. The first big idea is to think more. We rarely give ourselves time to think logically about our lives and how to lead them. Sometimes, we just go along with what the Greeks called “doxa”, which loosely translates to “a common belief or popular opinion”. In the 36 books he wrote, Plato showed this idea to be full of errors, prejudice and superstition. Examples of doxa can be thoughts like, “follow your heart” or “if one has fame and fortune, they will live a happy life”. The problem is popular tends to lean towards the wrong values, careers and relationships. Plato’s answer is to ‘know yourself’. This would be something like thinking carefully about a particular decision, rather than acting …show more content…

Plato spent much of his time thinking about how government and society in an ideal world would behave. He was the worlds first “utopian thinker”. He was very much inspired by Athens rival, Sparta. Sparta was a machine that had perfected the act of creating the ideal soldier. Everything that Spartans did was centered around that goal, and because of this, Sparta was almost perfect when it came to military. That being said, Plato was not concerned about how to create a powerful military, but a culmination of people who were instead powerful in their personal fulfillment and happiness. In Plato’s book “The Republic”, he goes into great depth about the changes that would have to be made for this to be possible. Plato noted that Athenians looked up to celebrities much in the same way we do today. Modern culture glorifies celebrities, full of flaws in character. Plato wanted to replace these celebrities with new ones he called “Guardians”. Guardians would be wise and intelligent people, the perfect role model for the development of the self. Under the Guardians would be the “Auxiliaries”. These people would be the military for Plato’s perfect society. Auxiliaries would be the strongest and most fit to fight out of the society. Under them would be the craftsmen and producers. They would be the financial and economic support, as well as providing the goods and services that would find their way up the chain of status.

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