
Anchor Baby Pros And Cons

Decent Essays

“Anchor baby” is the term given to U.S. born children of undocumented parents, the idea behind this term is that it gives the children automatic citizenship while also enhancing their parents own legal status. Many presidential candidates have spoken against birthright citizenship by using the term ‘Anchor baby’, which too many, is offensive. Republican, Donald Trump, defends the term. When confronted about the hurtful usage of the word by ABC reporter, Tom Llamas, Trump responded with, “You mean it’s not politically correct and yet everybody uses it.” When Llamas told Trump to look the word up in the dictionary Trump shot back saying, “I’ll use the word anchor baby. Excuse me! I’ll use the word anchor baby!” In New Hampshire, Jeb Bush was also confronted by reporters. After being …show more content…

We are all aware that Trump is not favorable of those coming from Mexico, so embracing this term isn’t surprising but many would argue that when he uses the term “anchor baby” he is referring solely to babies of Mexican mothers. This can heavily impact the racism here in the United States. Marco Rubio makes a great point when addressing the offensiveness of the word, “Ultimately, they are people. They are not just statistics.” Trump, Bush, and other candidates who actively use the term cannot determine whether the term is offensive or not because they are not the ones who are going to be effected by it. Yes, illegal immigration is a big problem here in the United States but using a hurtful term to come about these issues is

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