
Ancient Celtic History

Decent Essays

I agree with the quote “history is written by the victor” (Winston Churchill) as it is something true about history. Not only do the victors get to write history but they also get to hide or even eliminate some or all of an event. The victor is the one who ultimately gets to burn the other side’s history, their knowledge or discoveries, libraries, and their culture. The victor will most likely enslave or execute the loser bringing their buildings, towns, and cities down to the ground. An example that highlights the truth behind this quote is the elimination of the Celtic civilization. “Who were the Celts?” is stated in the article “Ancient Celtic history” this suggests that with what the Romans have written about them and the archaeological evidence discovered still little is known about the Celts. The article …show more content…

Another point made by the author was “the only surviving accounts to make reference to the Celtic people were written by Roman and Greek historians” so why if the Celtic civilization was well developed and had a written language are there almost no records written by them? The answer is because once they were forced under Roman rule the Romans took it upon themselves as the victor to eliminate their culture, their language, and advances. Not having many records written by the loser would allow the Romans or the victor to write history depicting the loser or in this case the Celts as they pleased and would allow them to hide certain events to their convenience. Another example that supports the quote “history is written by the victor” is the Renaissance. Until recently it was believed that Europe had been fully responsible for the Renaissance, however, it was discovered that actually the Islamic empire brought on the

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