
Ancient Egyptian Religion And Religious Beliefs

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Religious beliefs shaped every part of ancient civilizations. Cultures heavily based their daily lives, government, and agriculture on religious beliefs. Most people groups were polytheist and adhered to traditional obedience to multiple gods. Egyptians culture prided themselves on ritualistic tradition. The things of the past remained the backbone throughout their cultures life. They philosophy depended on a changeless universe, which resulted in no value in change. Institutional traditions and authority were the cornerstone to Egyptian life. Ancient Egypt demonstrated their traditional religious beliefs through a divine kingship, their understanding of nature, and their sense of afterlife. Egyptians lived in constant fear of their gods, not knowing when they might provoke their deity’s anger. The Egyptians viewed their king as divine, which means their ruler was part god and had absolute dominion over the land.
Since Egypt was heavily based on religious tradition, having a divine monarch was a direct connection to the gods. “The Egyptians saw a rule by a god-king as the only acceptable political arrangement: it was in harmony with the order of the universe and it brought justice and security to the nation.” (Perry 14) The Pharaoh was the human voice of the gods. He expressed the will of the heavens and oversaw justice in the land. Opposed to other cultures at the time, Egyptians believed their king was god and supreme overlord. This gave them stability in their monarchy

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