
Anderson Hall

Decent Essays

The Velcro Family: Together Now, Until Drawn Apart
Anderson Hall has brought together many unlike people and serves as a home base for its inhabitants to bond and have a family away from home. The term family can be defined in many ways. For this composition, family will be defined as a group of people related through shared characteristics, such as going to Snow and living in Anderson Hall. Anderson Hall is the farthest south on-campus residence hall at Snow College. Since it is exclusively sleep studies, residents of Anderson Hall have just their beds, desks, and TV’s in their rooms. About half of the rooms are shared and have two roommates living together, and the other half are private rooms with solely one student housed per room. …show more content…

The residents of Anderson create powerful bonds and connections while enjoying activities together, not just in the lobby, but also on late night trips to Maverick and Denny’s. Whenever a resident is in trouble, that person usually has a group of people around them that are in the same or a similar situation or have enough empathy that allow them to be able to help their friends and colleagues. The lobby is a popular place for the Anderson Hall family to talk about their stresses while going through life and school. These talks bond the students together even greater than the activities ever could and sprout support for the residents for when it is …show more content…

The family in Anderson Hall has bonded through shared experiences and stresses, such as problems with construction and mental crises. For many students, mom and dad are particularly far away, and this family is a great way for them to feel loved and safe while away to continue their education. Although temporary, this family is an important part of the college experience to many students. The experiences and support here are important to the success of the students and are matters that will not be soon forgotten. The residents of Anderson Hall are together now, and when the time comes, they shall be split like Velcro and placed into new experiences, new homes, and new

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