
Essay on Andrew Jackson

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Andrew Jackson

“I cannot be intimidated from doing that which my judgment and conscience tell me is right by any earthly power.” This quote by Jackson underlies the fact the he was a selfish, tyrannical ruler. He did not make decisions based on the interests of the whole nation but on his own personal benefit, in search of self- achievement. Although he was portrayed or possibly manipulated the citizens to believe that he was a president for the common man, that was simply not the way he acted. As president, he purposely ignored the power of the Judicial branch to judge laws, and strengthened the power of the Executive branch above the limits in the Constitution. He was also said to be rude and uneducated, which might have led to …show more content…

Proof of this is in how he says, “Heaven will be no heaven to me if I do not meet my wife there.” Even though Andrew Jackson had matured a lot by the early eighteen hundreds, his temper was still blazing. In October 1803, He came across a Tennessee's governor, whom happened to be an old rival; reportedly the governor said something about Rachel Jackson. Without delay Jackson challenged the governor to a duel, he refused and Jackson put an announcement in a local paper, calling the man a coward. The humiliated governor then persuaded a young marksman named Charles Dickinson to offend Rachel and challenge her husband to a duel. Jackson then met Dickinson in a Kentucky meadow at dawn. Dickinson being a faster draw, fired first. He hit Jackson in the chest, a bad wound; but Jackson's soon retaliated with a shot to the stomach that instantly killed his opponent.
Dickinson’s bullet was too close to Jackson's heart to be removed by the surgeons back then, and it stayed there for the rest of his life.

Jackson, getting bored with the farm life and politics decided he wanted to command an army once again; he led a small volunteer group south down the Mississippi River. But when the government got wind of this they sent him back to Nashville, where Jackson promptly got in another brawl with a rival. This one exploded into a shoot-out among quite a few men, and Jackson took a bullet

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