Animals have been with us for many years, helping us with important tasks and even just being there as a friendly companion to ease the pain of the difficult times in life. It’s incredible how much of an impact pets have engraved in our daily lives, and they are greatly appreciated in all our hearts. It is important that these animals are respected and are given the love and care that they need as well, though this needs to happen there are still people out there who take animals for granted. Abusers are unfortunately very common, and it is so greatly common it goes down to 5 animals killed a day and many reports every ten seconds. This a mortifying amount of cases and should be recognized immediately. Abuse is not just a form of anger management, …show more content…
Though it has been overlooked on animals’ involvement within this industry and how they are treated behind the scenes. Dog raceing is a popular sport to the point that people who attend bet money on who’s the winner. Yet when you attend one of these and you see one of these animals, that you paid the see , running as fast as it can. Now it would seem unfair though to subject these animals in these conditions? Unlike humans, animals can’t choose if they want to take part or not. Not to mention risks of injury, and according to an article “Grey Hound racing”, a three-year-old grey hound named LNB Night Mare was electrocuted after she collided with another dog and fell into the electrified rail during a race in March 2014 at Tucson Arizona and so on. More than 80,000 grey hounds were registered to race, and average of between 500 and 1000 dogs are required to operate a race track according to statistics compiled by GREY2K USA worldwide. More than 11,700 greyhound injuries occur, including heart attacks, heatstroke, electrocution, fractured skulls, broken necks and more than 3000 broken legs. These animals are also drugged in order to improve performance in racing. These animals have also been dying during transportation from one track to
How do animals play a significant role in creating a positive change in a person's everyday life?
The bond that exists between man and beast is one of the most precious and sacred ties that exist on earth. In the modern world, we can sometimes shut ourselves out from the rest of the creatures that exist on this planet, but those of us who have pets understand the importance of connecting with other creatures on this green planet. On the other side of the equation, you have people who take this bond one step further, and they make serving animals their passion and their purpose to help as many of them as possible.
Animals are loved by many most especially the pet animals. We call them as our best friend and companion, we always play with them in our aluminum garage door in Tampa, taking a walk in the morning at the park and they even protect us in bad guys. But, there are people doesn't even care about them, they made these animals sentencing in to death. You know we can help them in many ways.
Animals and people can help each other by being resources for each other. For instance, dogs helped kids improve their reading skills, a dog patiently waited for his owner to get off of a train, and another dog saved a woman and her baby from getting hit by a car. To some people, some animals are a nuance. Others mean the world to them. But everyone has their own opinions.
So, we need to take care of them. Some people thinks that animals are only animals, because they breed a lot easy to duplication, and animals is animals they should not share the same like humans like Burkhard Bilger said “care the addiction to dogs and cats and millions of families might be lifted out of poverty”. In this world we can use money to value anything like life is priceless, animals have feelings too also they are the most loyalty creature on this planet. Especially for an introvert, they prefer to talk to an innocent animal better than a person who is wearing a mask.
Greyhound racing is quite abusive, no matter how much “fun” they seem to be having. The poor animals are underfed and have large muzzles over their mouths so that the winner can be clear in the circumstance of a “photo finish”( But, these also block the dogs breathing, and could possibly weigh down their lightweight heads. Also, they could result in spinal injuries or worse. “Injuries common to Greyhounds forced to race include severed toes, broken legs, spinal paralysis, broken necks, and cardiac arrest”(ASPCA). These things cause thousands of deaths each year but could be prevented if racing was made illegal.
“The time has come to end this cruelty and open up a new chapter in our treatment of horses.”
Greyhound dogs have been used for 100’s of years for racing and gambling purposes. But in the past two years at least 800 dogs have been euthanased due to to injury, lack of racing ability, being a poor performer and this is in Western Australia alone. These injuries are caused by the on track collisions that include broken back, skull fractures and many more. This sport see’s these helpless animals as a money tool and do not care for their reckless and unnecessary treatment that has been concerning animal welfare organisations and communities. Greyhound racing should definitely be stopped as the use of animal cruelty on the greyhound has been an on going issue in this
In October of 2012, a Jack Russell Terrier puppy named Phoenix was set on fire in Buffalo N.Y. The woman who discovered him was attracted by black smoke. She managed to put out the the flames with her sweater and proceeded to rush him to a small animal hospital with severe burns over his whole body and a serious ankle infection. Although he lost 60% off of both of his ears he maintained almost complete mobility of his leg. He still has a slight limp. Judi Bunge, a senior vet technician at Buffalo Small Animal Hospital who had been looking after Phoenix, adopted him soon after he had fully recovered. He now lives with Judi and her two other dogs. "Phoenix will become a therapy dog and continue his work as an ambassador for the
There was a young girl who was very close to her parents.One day something tragic happenned where she lost her mom.Once this happened the girl and her dad grew apart.She had to step up and get a job though someone sabotaged her.They went through the trouble of breaking and entering and taking their dog.Since she was so caught off gaurd she missed her interview and her dog was never returned.She thought that this would be the end of all the horror but soon to find out it was not.You cna trust
How aggressive or skittish will a dog, who has been previously abused, react to a person they have never met compared to a dog that has never been abused? 100 dogs some known to have been abused, and some known to have not, will be approached by someone who they have had no prior experience to see how they react.
Each year, the most extreme cases of animal abuse receive media attention. Yet, the animal cruelty problem is more widespread than is reported in the media. Animal abuse and neglect is a nationwide issue, affecting thousands of animals nationwide. Cruelty to animals is defined as the infliction of physical pain, suffering or death on an animal, beyond what is necessary. There is a need to stop abusers from acting in such a horrific manner–preventing the neglect and suffering of the animals. What causes animal abusers to act in such a cruel way towards animals? How are cases of animal abuse being managed, and how should cases be handled? Finally, does the status of animals in society contribute to the rate of their abuse?
There is a loose dog, pit bull, running around a neighborhood and eradicating the local cats. Neighbors are scared and want an end to the attacks. On one side, one of the neighbors wants the dog gone because she doesn’t see the dog as a pet because of its viciousness. And on the other side, the owner sees the dog as a therapy dog.
Animals are an important and valued part of many families and cultures. In many households, animals are considered members of the family, receive Christmas and birthday presents, and are cared for just as a human child would be. Opposition to animal cruelty has even become a sort of universal value in American culture(Kordzek 604). But animals are uniquely vulnerable to abuse, and despite this they still do not receive much needed protection from the law. The penalties for animal cruelty are not frequently severe enough to even deter one from harming an animal. This is dangerous not only for animals, but for human beings too. Animal cruelty and domestic violence have been proven to correlate in countless ways, and recognizing animal cruelty as a serious criminal offense and a form of domestic violence would serve to protect both animals and human beings from needless acts of violence. Instituting stiffer criminal penalties for animal cruelty and increasing the protective measures for victims of abuse is necessary to further the protection of both animals and human beings.
Unfortunately today there are many cases of animal abuse happening around the world. Animal cruelty or animal abuse can be defined as the infliction of suffering or harm upon animals for purposes other than self-defense. There are many different types of abuse such as using animals for research, using animals for entertainment purposes, abandoning animals to shelters, and animal neglect. We need to raise awareness and find a solution to these issues. Animals are suffering and we need to help them.