
Animal Cells And Their Functions

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Animal cells and their functions
Cell Membrane
The cell “surface” membrane is a semi-permeable membrane whose function is to control the exchange of substances between the cell and its environment. Semi-permeable means that only certain molecules are allowed to be transported in and out of the cell. The membrane is mainly made up of Lipid and protein. On the diagram, the Cell Membrane forms the “outer shell” of the animal cell, and can be seen as the bold line around it.
The Nucleus has a sphere-shaped body that encloses a variety of organelles, including the nucleolus, and is home to the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA) of a cell inside the chromosomes. It is typically seen as the largest part of the animal cell. The nucleus controls many of the functions and activities inside an animal cell, and is known as the “control centre” of a cell. On the diagram, the nucleolus can be located as the black dot in the middle of the Nucleus, and is the main site for ribosome formation.
Nuclear Membrane
The Nuclear Membrane surrounds the Nucleus, which is known as a Porous Membrane. This is covered in pores, which are tiny holes that allow the exchange of RNA to move between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. Proteins that are desired by the Nucleus are also able to move through these pores.
The Nucleolus is the organelle structure inside the nucleus; it supports the synthesis of ribosomes, which is where the Ribosomal RNA is produced. Some cells

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