
02.03 Cell Structure And Function Assignment

Satisfactory Essays

02.03 Cell Structure and Function assignment
By: Zoe Hill

“Its’s so good to finally meet our new security guard!”
“Hello, I’m Sandy”
“Hi Sandy, I’m Nick the Nucleus. I’ve been asked to show our cell membrane around our beautiful animal cell so how about we get to it?”
“Sounds great.”
“So, this is Mike the Mitochondria and he is the main power source. His specialty is cellular respiration which is when he breaks down food molecules to make ATP.”
“This is Linsey and her crew the Lysosomes. Their job is to break down large molecules in to smaller ones so the cell can use them.”
“This is Valerie the Food Vacuole and Vicky the Water Vacuole. Valerie stores our food and nutrients we need and Vicky stores our much-needed water.” …show more content…

These guys are hard workers. They work in manufacturing proteins and they consist of several proteins and RNA.”
“This is the Endoplasmic Reticulum Family the Endos. They are a maze of organisms. There are so many they are even divided into two sections let me explain.”
“Here is Rocky Endos the Rough E.R. There are ribosomes built up on her surface and it makes the surface look rough they work on the production and export of proteins, glycoproteins, and hormones.”
“Sally Endos the Smooth E.R. does not have ribosomes build up on her so she appears smooth. Sally produces steroids, lipids, and breaks down toxins.”
“This is Gabby the Golgi Apparatus. She is kind of just the delivery girl for the Endos family. She delivers vesicles holding proteins from the Endoplasmic Reticulum.”
“Moving on to the Caitlin and the Cytoskeletons. They control our shape and movements. They gave us direct movement and keep us in one place when

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