
Animal Cruelty Case Study

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Countless animal cruelty cases would go undiscovered if observant witnesses didn't come forward to alert authorities. “Implementing the cruelty laws is a necessary dynamic to ensure that individuals that unlawfully transport, famish, abuse, neglect or abandon an equine will be charged with animal cruelty.” (Equine Advocates, 2015) It is essential for individuals within a horse community to be educated about the signs of equine abuse and neglect, the course of action if it is suspected in addition to heath factors that commonly affect the weight of a horse. A simple yet effective approach to enlightening each household in a community, would be to mail an informative brochure a to every address in the community. Being alert of what animal to …show more content…

In an emergency situation, it would be best to contact the local police department or 911. In non-emergent situations, call a local animal control department, animal shelter or humane society. A local brand inspector would be a logical point of contact in regards to large animals, such as equine and bovine. There are some rare occasions when animal welfare agencies and local authorities are not equipped to deal with animal cruelty cases; when local agencies are not equipped to handle such cases, the best route would be to contact The Humane Society of the United States directly, either via e-mail or telephone. When a complaint of animal cruelty is made, the responding agency is required to investigate the claim. Many agencies have the authority to acquire and serve warrants; however those who don't, work closely with local law offices to fulfill a search warrant on their behalf. The manner in which a search warrant is executed irrelevant to how the complaint will be investigated. An officer will investigate to establish which laws if any have been infringed upon in regards to the claim of animal …show more content…

Knowing the difference between a neglected and geriatric horse will reduce mistaken complaints of abuse. Collecting useful documentation and filing a detailed and informative complaint, will help authorities speed the process up and possibly be the key to building a strong case. People who take matters into their own hands trying to help a neglected animal, can potentially cause more harm or even death, not to mention the possibility of violating a number of laws and risking their health. An annual mail out around October of each year would be ideal, since most families move in the Summer. By doing a mail out once a year, each address would be provided with up-to-date information that includes the of the course of action, contact information to file a report, the brand board laws (each state is different), as well as basic equine information about health and behavior. Awareness of the laws and common health issues that horses face, will help the community to see that not all suspicions are accurate, and the actions of an ignorant individual, could conceivably compromise an animal’s

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