
Animal Poaching In Zimbabwe

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Poaching in Zimbabwe has been a major issue in Zimbabwe since the mid 1800’s. Many of Zimbabwe’s wild animals have suffered a massive decline in population due to poaching. The best way to stop the decline of wild animals in Zimbabwe is drones. Using drones will give rangers an upper hand against animal poachers by monitoring and tracking different animals and poaching zones. For the past 2 decades, Endangered animals are being killed for simple body parts - tusks, bones, or pelts illegally for money. Many poaching laws have been established in Zimbabwe but none of these laws have been effective.
“Poaching ­has been illegal for hundreds of years, but it was during the Late Middle Ages that poaching became a punishable offense. During this time, the right to hunt was limited to landowners and nobility. Peasants usually did not have weapons, skills or the extra time to hunt, so in order to provide food for their families they devised another way to bring meat to their tables” (“How Poaching works”). Since the middle ages people have always been buying and selling animals but as life got tougher for the poor they had to resort to killing and selling body parts of animals to gain money. In the mid 1800’s hunting was only for the wealthy and privileged but as poverty increased poaching levels did too. “While hunting was reserved for the privileged, it was illegal to buy and sell wild animals. It remained illegal to do so until the mid-1800s. Gangs of poachers formed outlaw

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