
Animal Testing Is Inhumane And Should Be Banned Essay

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Keep the Lipstick off your Dog Persuasive Speech Outline
General Purpose: To persuade
Specific Purpose: to persuade my audience that animal testing is inhumane and should be banned.
Thesis: It is not ethical to use animals for testing purposes. Animal testing, especially for cosmetic and consumer good purposes should be banned. Those companies that continue to use animal testing should be charged with animal neglect and cruelty. Animals live and have emotions just as human and deserve the right to a happy life.
I. The Attention Step
A. Attention: A. What constitutes a life? If it has a heart beat is it alive? If it can make decisions, eat, and show emotion wouldn’t that be considered human? How would you feel about your shampoo if someone told you that your dog Scruffy died so you could wash your hair with your favorite brand? Animal testing is a serious issue. It is not ethical to use animals for testing purposes. Animal testing, especially for cosmetic and consumer good purposes should be banned. Those companies that continue to use animal testing should be charged with animal neglect and cruelty.

Significance: B. Animals live and have emotions just as humans and deserve the right to a happy life the constitution states “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”. We know from having pets that our

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