
Animal Testing Persuasive Essay

Decent Essays

Did you know that 100 million animals are killed annually due to animal testing (“The Truth about Animals Used for Experimentation”)? Vivisection is the practice of doing operations on live animals for scientific research or medical advancements. It occurs all over the world including the U.S. There are anti vivisectionists, those who doesn't believe in animal testing, and pro vivisectionists, those who believe in animal testing (Coster 6). Animals should not used in medical testing because it’s inhumane, unnecessary, ineffective and costly.
Animals are treated immorally and inhumanely in testing facilities. Many pro vivisectionists claim animals are treated respectfully but this is false. Experiments done on animals are violent, harmful and sickening:
Experiments can involve: drowning, suffocating, starving, burning, blinding, destroying hearing, damaging brains, severing limbs, crushing organs, inducing heart attacks, ulcers, and paralysis. (“The Truth about Animals Used for Experimentation”)
Many of these procedures are considered “mild”, but these are very severe procedures which almost always result in the death of the animal (“About Animal Testing”).
In 2013, an investigation took place in an United Kingdom laboratory. The findings were shocking. Investigators found that tests were being done are very young puppies and kittens. The puppies were removed from their mothers at only 4 weeks of age. They were tested and many died in tests. Even though the mothers of the

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