The latest concerns for the warming of the earth have been put to an end, as recent environmentalist have confirm the melting of the ice has nothing to do with the overgrowing population, but the increase in wildlife. Reports from around the globe have all establish a virus has been going around and increasing the hormones in animals of all species; from the tiny red ants prowling around underground to the elephants through stampeding in the jungles, causing them to reproduce at a faster rate. It is neither the landfills nor the constant human urge to cut down rainforests to build homes to house the next billion generations. The problems are the greedy animals that choose to continue to breathe among our planet. The question now arising is how will the world save their already dying planet? Will they let nature takes it course and have the survival of the fittest or will the people choose to terminate the inhumane animals that dare to walk on the very ground they were evolved from?
Environmentalist Li Yu-oh voices his plan to, “send those filthy vultures [the animals] to Mars, where they will become the Martians’ problem!” Many of the top Environmentalists agree with Li Yu-oh, stating it is
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His name is John Smith and he think, “animals are innocent” and it is the “people on Earth who are destroying the planet.” He feels that the citizens of Earth need to “stop having babies and causing harm to the planet”, along with his ridiculous idea to, “save the endanger animals” and emplace a law where “every country and nation, along with each and every one its citizens” have to start reducing their pollution in the world. A range of feedback has been reported, all of them negative, ranging from “the stupidest idea I have ever heard” to “That boy aint gots no brain up in head. He ought to be put in an asylum for that.” John is no on the run from a mob attempting to end his life, may the animals save his
Mark Sagoff, ‘Animal Liberation and Environmental Ethics: Bad Marriage, Quick Divorce’, in Environmental Philosophy, edited by Michael E. Zimmerman, et al. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1993, pp. 84-94
Courtney states that “one fourth of Earth’s species could be facing extinction by 2050.” This is a very big concern for everyone around the globe because if one animal
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Denver City Council, today I would like to talk to you about the city of Denver enforcing a dangerous dog law instead of breed specific legislation, because the enforcement of breed specific legislation is not the solution to dangerous dogs in the community. I plan on showing how Denver could change their law to make a difference to the quality of dogs living in this great city.
Attention Getter: Imagine living in a space about a third the size of this room. You also share this space with 3 other people. This is what animals deal with when living in zoos and aquariums.
Planet Earth is the one and only home for humans, and it’s their natural duty to protect it and all of its inhabitants. For many people, the fate of animals is of little importance, especially when there are so many of their own species suffering throughout the world. However, only when one has respect for nature can he or she come to appreciate for his or herself. In the past few decades, some animals have progressively come closer and closer to extinction. When compared to demographics 30 years ago, less than 5% of tiger and rhino populations remain in the wild (Congressional). The main culprits for this abominable crime against nature are avaricious poachers who seek personal gain and profit. Poaching is the illegal killing of
1. ATTENTION GETTER: Millions of animals are abused each year. Over a million of these animals are abused or killed just due to the involvement with domestic violence. Despite animal cruelty being a felony which can result in jail time for over 15 years and 500,000 dollars in fines, it is still an issue which occurs on a daily basis across the United States. It is important for these animals to not go unnoticed, which can be achieved if society became more enlightened and educated on the topic of animal cruelty. (Pacelle, 2011).
Today I am going to talk to you about why exactly animal testing is unethical and unnecessary, and what you all as an audience can do to make this happen.
I have always felt strongly about animal rights, and cruelty to animals, so I decided to do my speech on something less talked about and often avoided, which is animal vivisection- in other words, animal testing. The public are blinded by cover ups and lies that make animal testing seem a lot better than it really is which is why I think it is important to get all the facts out there and why I think it should be banned.
Think about how we will look back on our cruel forms of entertainment in the future. Will we be proud of the way we treated these great animals, with abuse as neglect? Today we turn our heads away from reality and what happens behind the scenes of animal entertainment. However, we can’t turn our heads forever. Around the world, there is so much more to animal entertainment than what meets the eye. These animals have been torn away from their beautiful, natural homes and brought to a prison of concrete. In these prisons, they are beaten, starved and tortured all for our money and entertainment. These animals lives should not be taken from them for us. Our money and happiness should not be worth these animal’s lives. Circus, theme park and zoo animals all suffer from aggression towards trainers, mental disabilities and physical injuries. These animals should not have to suffer any longer.
Imagine being born, only to live a life of torture. You are brought to a lab, and cruelly tested on against your will. Toxins poured into your eyes, painful injections to your skin, then left to die when you’re no longer useful. Although many do not realize it, people use products tested on animals in their everyday lives. For girls, many of your favorite makeup brands, such as Estee Lauder, Makeup Forever, and Maybelline take part in animal testing. Products such as toothpaste, cologne, deodorant, laundry detergent, razors, and even band-aids aren’t tested innocently, either. As a makeup enthusiast, I am passionate about how the products I use daily are tested. Today I will help you understand what animal testing is and how it started, how it’s currently affecting animals around the world, and what organizations are doing to help make a difference in the future. To begin, I will explain the history of animal testing. An animal test is any scientific experiment or test in which a live animal is forced to undergo something that is likely to cause them pain, suffering, distress, or lasting harm.( Animal experiments are not the same as taking your animal to the vet. Animals used in laboratories are harmed, not for their own good, and usually killed at the end of an experiment. Animal experiments include injecting or force feeding animals with potentially harmful substances, exposing animals to radiation,
Do animals have the right to a certain quality of life? How would your views change if our cooks got treated the same way cattle and poultry do? How would you feel about them being beaten and brought to their knees just to be detained to know how to cook todays specials? You might think that the food industry has no issues and no faults behind their tasty food, but when you open up the meat curtain, there is a different kind of world out there that is cruel and inhumane. In Robert Kenner’s 2008 film, Food, Inc., He shows the conditions that cows, chickens, and pigs have to live in. The dark and closeted homes in which the animals are closely compacted together and eating, sleeping, and walking in their own manure. As a person who would consider themselves an animal rights activist, most people would agree that the food industry treats their animals like products instead of living things.
People dump about 70 million tons of pollution into the air every day causing nature to be destroyed even though people can’t survive without nature. The needs of people are not more important than the needs the planet and animals.
Did you know over 50,000 species become extinct each year, that’s five to six each hour. Endangered species are in serious trouble and it is a major problem all around the world. They are dying quicker than people think and they need help and recognition. Endangered animals need to be helped soon or they will become extinct.
As long as I can remember, I wanted to do something with animals when I got older. I would dream about helping when they are in need. I have always wanted to be a veterinarian since day one. With growing up, I learned that veterinary students go through a lot to become a veterinary. Writing is very important and it's needed in anybody wants to go into. To be an animal sciences major, a lot of research papers have to be written and as well as persuasive papers.
In a world that we, as humans, have begun to destroy and shape for the worse, there is still so much that we are oblivious to. From the illegal endangered animal trade to harmful CO2 and methane, Racing Extinction has revealed to both myself and society the constantly ticking clock that is Earth.