
Anne Bradstreet 's The New World

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Anne Bradstreet is revered as America’s first female poet and the first published poet of the New World. Born in England in 1612, Anne immigrated to the New World with waves of Puritan refugees escaping Angelican and Catholic persecution (Gordon, 88). As a successful mother of 8 children and a loyal housewife, Anne embodied the ideal Puritan woman. Yet, Bradstreet defied several Puritan social codes, namely writing in a time women were considered inferior to men. It was seen as an affront to God for women to act out of their preordained social role. Women were considered weak-minded and frail, unfit to take part in the higher discussions of politics and religion. Part of the main body of Anne Bradstreet’s work is both feminine worth and …show more content…

“Secure men would gladly acknowledge when a woman accomplished something worth noting” (Wilson, 115) In Anne’s Elegy, “In Honour of that High and Mighty Princess, Queen ELIZABETH”, the narrator takes the role of a woman “who identifies with a feminist view of the wrongs done to women.” (Rosenmeier, 44) Through a posthumous celebration of the Queen and her accomplishments, the speaker argues of women’s worth beyond simple housework and child-rearing. The speaker argues that Elizabeth’s triumphs in war and diplomacy are “argument enough to make” naysayers “mute” (Poem, 18). To further her statement, the speaker reminds us that to “say our sex is void of reason” was once punishable by death (Poem, 81). “It is not too much to suggest that in the prospect of Eliza 's return lies the implicit promise that this poor, loyal, simple speaker will be restored to wholeness and power.” (Rosenmeier, 45) It is entirely possible for a Christian Queen to “play the Rex” (Poem, 12). If a woman can rule over men justly and have the kingdom prosper, anything is possible. (Gordon, 194) This includes a Godly Puritan woman writing poetry and being successful among male poets

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