
Anne Frank: The Diary Of A Young Girl

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How can a positive attitude affect conflict? Positive attitudes throughout conflict can benefit the people and the outcome of the conflict. A positive attitude is gained when there is no negativity in a person's thoughts, actions or beliefs. There are many events and sources that show how positivity has effected conflict, and how positivity is the best response towards conflict. Positivity has benefited the situations of many real life people and heroes and the way that they have succeeded in conflict due to positivity.
Most importantly, Attitude can affect many things during conflict, but most importantly it can affect the person dealing with the conflict. This is why it is best to always remain positive towards and during conflict, for the self-being of the person involved. Conflict can cause stress and can be emotionally damaging to a person. As stated in the text, “An unwillingness to resolve conflict creates tension, frustration, worry, anxiety and usually, a lack of positive, constructive communication” (Stark 2). In “Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl”, Anne faces a lot of conflict when her family needs to go into hiding. There was nothing Anne could do but …show more content…

Whether it is modern day conflict, conflict that happened in history or if it’s the way you react towards conflict Positivity is key and is definitely the way to go and to resolve conflict with. Many events that happened in history were very tragic and had a lot of conflict. For example, the holocaust had many inspiring people that helped lead and push through the conflict. As stated in the text, “Leaders of German Jewry during the Nazi years. Their leadership helped to unite and sustain German Jewry in the face of the regime's onslaught. Baeck and Hirsch gave up opportunities to emigrate in order to stay with the community” (Vashem 20). Which shows leadership, positivity and determination can lessen conflict and make things

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