
Annotated Bibliography Electrical Engineering

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Annotated Bibliography

J. E. Mahan, A. Jayasumana, D. Lile and M. Palmquist, "Bringing an emphasis on technical writing to a freshman course in electrical engineering," in IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 36-42, Feb 2000.

The purpose of this article is to detail the process of a group of professors to better prepare electrical engineering students for technical communication. After meeting with industrial partners and discovering that students from their engineering program lacked proficiency in report writing and communication skills, the professors sought to give the students more exposure to these types of communication. In order to do this, the students are asked to prepare both memoranda and project reports for a specified assignment. The expected format, content, and an outcome model is uploaded to a website that the students can access, and they are then expected to mimic these examples. The ending products of the assignment were then graded by a separate professor and each student …show more content…

The article details possible biases a project manager can possess and how certain “errors in perception” of a project’s true progress can lead to what the author deems ‘project status distortion.’ It then goes on to list common patterns in status distortion and warns company managers to be wary of highly favorable status reports in the early stages of a project’s development. Since project reporting has proven to be an important aspect of electrical engineering, this article aid in my genre analysis by detailing the importance of maintaining good ethics in every aspect of a project. The information provided in any document should depict an accurate description of the work achieved as well as any major setbacks to ensure the transparency of

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